Monday, November 24, 2008
Oxford English Dictionary
Did you know that it was in the early 13th century that the word "medicine" first came into use in the English language? The Oxford English Dictionary is not just a mechanism to look up spellings and pronunciations of words, it is also the premier source to trace our language back to its early roots. And the Lamar Soutter Library now has the Oxford English Dictionary available online. From the library's homepage, click "Research Tools & Resources", then "Reference Resources" and then "Oxford English Dictionary". Happy "Haruestbels" (the earliest use, from 1597, of "Harvest Festival" or "Thanksgiving") to all.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Scientific Writing Resources
For everyone interested in writing, and your focus is the Thursday Memo, a conference, or a refereed journal, there is a wealth of literature offering assistance that ranges from grammar to getting published available in the journal literature. Searching in PubMed, try the phrase: writing/standards [mh] or the phrase: authorship [mh]. Take the results and combine with a keyword to narrow your search, e.g. writing/standards [mh] AND methodology. Using the limiter [mh], retrieves articles indexed using the term writing/standards and indicates a focus of the article.
To look at writing and grammar resources, check out the library’s web site: click on Research Tools and Resources - Reference Resources - Writing and Grammer Resources (or click here)