Monday, February 22, 2010


NCME-TV is an online service offered by the library as a means of earning continuing education credits.  Every month, a new 1-hour video is posted on the site.  Physicians can view the video and then take the self-assessment quiz to earn CME credit.  This service is available directly via the NCME-TV website  However, to register as a member of the UMMS community, you must first contact the Library Service Point in the Lamar Soutter Library (508-856-6099 or X6-6099) to acquire the correct hospital ID number.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Micromedex 2.0

Micromedex has now released their updated 2.0 version.  The most notable change is the addition of the “360 degree dashboard” which presents search results and an easier-to-read and navigate format.  The 2.0 version also has a mobile version that will work on a Blackberry or iPhone.  Click the “Mobile” link at the top of the screen for more details or contact Len Levin in the library for assistance.