Friday, May 2, 2008

RSS Feeds – a new way to keep current (Monday Memo 4/28/08)

Do you try to keep current with the literature through e-mail alerts but find that your inbox just gets too full? An answer to this problem is RSS feeds. Many of the major medical journals, PubMed, plus many of your favorite news and sports sites offer RSS feeds. RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication”. All you need to do is a) set up a reader (such as Google Reader or My Yahoo), and b) sign up for your alerts to be posted there. Then, when you are ready to check your alerts, go to your page and you will see them all in one place. Want more information or help setting up RSS? Check with Len Levin ( or Jim Comes ( in the Lamar Soutter Library for detailed instructions or a copy of our RSS handout.

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